
Fáilte Go Blog Loch an Iúir.

Bainígí Sult as/Enjoy

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Art work from Infants and 1st Class - Our pictures of Loch an Iúir village.

Casadh 'n tSúgain (Local Pub) by Keelan.

At the Crossroads in Loch an Iúir by Seamus.
Jack 's picture of the lake.

Roisín drew An Siopa (Shop)

Yanto's picture of An Náionra.(Playschool)

An Siopa(Shop) by Shayne

An Loch(The Lake) by Fionán

Along the school road by Tess.

The Crossroads at Loch an Iúir -Emily

Friday, 13 January 2012

Saint Brigid's Day-Lá Fheil'Bríde

Traditionally in the Celtic calendar, St Brigid's Day, 1st February, is the first day of spring.
There are a lot of customs and traditions connected with St Brigid.
The main one is the making of special crosses. The crosses are made from rushes(thick grass) which grow in the wet countryside. The  rushes are woven together to make a cross.Here is a picture of one that was made last year. To celebrate St Brigids night this year we are going to have a social night in school. The community will come into the school on 31st January and have a good night making crosses, storytelling and eating BRÚITÍN, which is a meal of mashed potatoes. We will give you the ingredients so that you too can make it.
Some children will learn a little rhyme and visit each house to bring St Brigids good luck to the house.