
Fáilte Go Blog Loch an Iúir.

Bainígí Sult as/Enjoy

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Easter Is Coming

We are getting ready for Easter in our school. Making Easter Bonnets and Easter Bunnies, we are using up all the art materials in the school.
Here are a few pictures of the finished product. Happy Easter to all our friends, we finish on Friday for 2 weeks and the weather is looking good!!
Jamie modelling a bonnet!

Gavin is a model too!!

Easter Bunnies everywhere


Friday, 23 March 2012

Comenius visit to Loch An Iúir

We were very happy to welcome our partner schools to Ireland. Thank you for all the beautiful presents. The children are eating the sweets and enjoying them.

Outside the weaving exhibition.

Polish teachers with our Mount Errigle in the background

Basque teachers enjoying the Irish music.

Happy Birthday Jana, from Czech Republic

The group of visitors were very patriotic

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Lá Fhéile Pádraig

Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh go léir!!!
On the 17th March people all over the world will celebrate St Patrick's Day. He is our Patron Saint. There are many myths and stories about him...he banished snakes from Ireland is one of them. People tend to go a bit mad and dress up in anything GREEN.
In New York the River Hudson will turn green for the day!!
The Shamrock is the symbol of Ireland and it tells the story of the Holy Trinity-the fact that God is The Father ,The Son and The Holy Spirit-the three in one.
Happy St Patrick's Day to you all, where ever you are in the world.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Art Competition

We had a visitor to our school today bearing good news!
Some children in Rang 5/6 entered an art competition.
One of our pupils won 2nd prize.
Maith thú Bríd- Marie from 5th Class who won a nice art set for herself.
She had to draw a picture on  the theme of our local culture.
Well done Bríd-Marie
Bríd Marie receiving her prize for the art competition.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012


In Loch an Iúir we play lots of sport. Our local GAA club is Naomh Mhuire and many children play football for them.. Keadue Rovers is the soccer team and Tír Conaill Rugby Club is close by. Last week we were beaten in the final of the Tag-Blitz. The whole team played very well.
We have also started hurling this year and we have taken part in some indoor hurling blitzes. Michael Glover comes and coaches us on a Monday and Dáithí has taken the infant classes for a few coaching sessions.
Hurling is an ancient Irish game. It is played using a Camán, hurley, made from ash wood and you hit a leather Sliotar(ball). Everyone now must wear a helmet. It is one of the fastest field games in the world.
KILKENNY are the present All Ireland Hurling Champions.

Kevin on a solo run

Annabella concentrating hard.

The correct grip.