
Fáilte Go Blog Loch an Iúir.

Bainígí Sult as/Enjoy

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

As part of Science week Rang 3,4,5,& 6 went to the library in Gaoth Dobhair to do Maths & Science Trail.

Breid -Marie & Shane hard at work.

Owen relaxes at the Library!

Oh my!! What good boys and girls we have here !!!

Áine & Celina squashed into the green chair.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Indian Art from Rang 3,4,5 & 6

We learned where the Native American Reservations are located.
We made dream-catchers, rattles, totem poles and tepees.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Road Safety Roadshow.

We had a big day in school recently. We had a road safety road show. The highlight was a visit from the Ambulance Service, fully equipped ambulance driven by our past pupil James Walsh, uncle of Conor and Caolan. All the classes got an insight into the working of a paramedic.
The Lord Mayor of Donegal was there too along with a number of counsillors. Thanks to Mary Clinton who brought the roadshow to Loch an Iúir.
Just at the end we had a great suprise...who trotted in but Eamon Magee and Sam Maguire! A great day for all in the school. We will post pictures soon.