
Fáilte Go Blog Loch an Iúir.

Bainígí Sult as/Enjoy

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Prize Giving with A-CEART

The day Mary, Eamonn and SAM came to our school.
Mary Clinton from A-Ceart recently gave a talk to the pupils on road safety awareness,organised a road safety poster campaign competition.On prize giving day Mary returned with a few surprises .....All Ireland medal winner Eamonn Mc Gee and SAM Maguire. Also present were members of the ambulance and fire servive,Chairperson of Donegal County Council Frank Mc Brearty and Eugene Greene of Mion Thograí Loch an Iúir.

Shane from 6th class with Mary & Mairead.

Breid Marie with Mary & John Connolly.

Ciara with Mary & Eugene Greene.

Conor with Mary and councillor David Alcorn.

Jamie with Mary and James Walsh from Ambulance Service.

Bernadette with Mary & Eamonn  Mc Gee.

Kevin with Mary,Frank Mc Brearty & Mairead.

Kate & Mary.

Sarah-Kate & Mary.

Seamus & Mary.

Michael & Mary.

Owen Martin & Mary.

Anne Marie, Maura and Mary meet Eamonn Mc Gee.

Mary Clinton and Eamonn with SAM.

Pancake Tuesday at Scoil Eoin Pól.

Ciara  gives the batter a good mix.

Michael shows Owen and Gavin how it's done!

Now we have the expert on hand !!....Maistreas Anne Marie with Áine and Emma.

6th class girls Bernadette and Annabella......Annabella brought in the syrup on the day.This is their last  Pancake Day with us..they are heading for secondary school in September.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Mairead lifts the 'Sam' on his second visit to our school...we were very privileged to have 'Sam' a second time.!!!

Pupils and staff  with  SAM and the Anglo Celt Cups.

Áine,Celina,Ciara and Emma with SAM and the Anglo Celt cups.